I wanted just to share a webpage from Nissan about an incredible phenomenon that occurs in the Amazon river. Actually, a good japanese friend here in San Diego sent me the link from this amazing experience!!
Three months a year, a wall of water generated by the tyde and some specific conditions, has attrated surfers from all around the world looking for an unique experience. The wave itself is extremely dangerous, smashing everything in its path. Year after year, the local inhabitants fear the arrival of the dreaded Pororoca (The name "Pororoca" comes from the indigenous Tupi language, where it translates into "great destructive noise". The wave can be heard about 30 minutes before its arrival, and it's so powerful that it can destroy anything, including trees, local houses and all kind of animals), and for good reason: if the wave doesn’t get you, you could be killed by an anaconda or a crocodile; or you could become an unwilling host for the tiny Canduru fish which lodges within your urinary tract, requiring major surgery; or you could be crushed or tumbled mercilessly by the debris collected by the Amazon on its thousand mile trip to the ocean or the debris hurled upriver by the bore itself...
For just that never have heard about the longest wave in the Earth, here is the link: http://www2.nissan.co.jp/X-TRAIL/T31/0708/index.html?page=w11&item=dvd02
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